I am home from Las Vegas. The wedding was beautiful. The bride and groom were so happy. The lady photographer took at least 600 photos of the wedding party. I didn't really get a chance to take many photos since there was so much going on.

There were last minute things to prepare for the reception. The bride, Melissa wrapping her utensils in red napkins and tying them with black ribbon.

Red champagne glasses and plastic plates were all ready for the reception.

There were decorations to hang and food to order.

Last minute cleaning to do. (My daughter in law scrubbing the game room floor at midnight)

The hairdresser came to the house to do the brides hair as well as the bridesmaids and maid of honors hair. All the make up was done at the house also. Of course the photographer was in the way through the entire wedding. So much so that the food was cold by the time the bride and groom were able to eat. This photographer was there until the wedding party was over.

Get this...I took this beautiful red crochet choker with beads and matching earrings for my granddaughter to wear if she didn't have a necklace. I showed it to her and she loved it and had planned on wearing it but suddenly the photographer was there telling her that SHE had a necklace that was costume jewelry that belonged to her Mother and SHE thought that it would look better.
The photographer was a personal friend of a friend of the bride so this made my Granddaughter feel obligated as well as being put on the spot and she looked at me and said "Would you mind Granma?". Of course I told her that it would be fine and to wear which ever necklace she wanted that it was her wedding and her choice. I truely meant this but it really made me angry that this person, not a member of the family could have the nerve to offer another choice over her Grandmothers. I was furious but stayed cool. It was like this the entire day.

This is the photographer holding up the wedding dress while the maid of honor ties the sash in a bow.
She interfered with almost everything that was going on not to mention keeping the bride and groom from the wedding party for over an hour. It was hot, 103 degrees and here they were out in the yard having photos taken. Is this the norm for wedding photos? Ugh! I just had to vent about this! Thanks for listening.

The most incredible thing happened while I was there. I fell totally in love! With this precious baby girl, Ava June.

I had not seen my great granddaughter since she was 6 weeks old. She is 9 months old now and I fell in love with this precious baby girl.

She is the happiest baby and so full of energy. She smiles all the time, has 5 teeth already and took her first steps the day I left to come home.

My Son cried at the wedding and I told him that he was a lucky guy because he gets a rerun of his daughter growing up because Ava June looks just like her Mommy.
I am sorry I don't have any photos of the bride and groom until I get them downloaded from my phone. They are not as good as I am sure the professional photos will be so I promise to show you my beautiful granddaughter and her new husband as soon as I get those photos.
I had a really good visit and I enjoyed all of my family while I was there. I miss them already. It is so hard to live so far away but as my Son tells me all the time...I am the one that moved away. Sigh!
well, despite the photographer being so unprofessional..it sounds like you had a wonderful time!! also..I'm sure your photos will be fabulous..I have always preferred the ones taken by family and friends..they are so much more charming,and taken with love!!!Baby Ava is a doll!!! how lucky you are to have a great granddaughter!!..goodness...did you have your first child at 10?..you look WAY TO YOUNG !!!
Ann said it all!!!! And I simply CANNOT get my head wrapped around the idea you could already be a "great grand"!!!!
Whoa! Reality check!
That was a great post. There is always someone who messes us the family time. Our gd got married last year and yes, we were the grandparents but we didn't get to have much impute. But time goes by and we are just part of their bigger world now. So glad you enjoyed your ggbaby. We don't have any yet.
What a control freak! Geez!! Smack smack.
Aside from her, it does sound like you had a wonderful time and I'm happy for you. Ava June has grown so fast and is absolutely an adorable angel!! Her eyes!!
Congratulations to the happy couple!
Awww thanks for sharing Patti!
Your great granddaughter is a doll, such a blessing!!! And your necklace would have totally looked wonderful on your granddaughter matching the dress perfectly --- oh well, you did good keeping your tongue!! It was your granddaughters day and despite it all - it looks like everything turned out beautifully!
Your great granddaughter is so beautiful! Love that precious face!
As for the photographer..I must say I really dislike people like that! You should have stuck to your guns about the necklace. That was totally rude on her part!!
Sorry this happened!
What a gorgeous great granddaughter, and lovely bride ! I know they were so blessed to have you there. sorry about the problems that arose, but at least you were there and the memories of a family stay forever. You are greatly blessed to be able to have and be with family! thanks for sharing your trip!
Oh Patti what a wonderful wedding story for the most part other than the photographer! But all sounds wonderful! AND A GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER!!! REALLY!!!! You are certainly not old enough for that! She is a precious angel:)
Great granddaughter, Oh My! she's so precious! As for the photographer, I'm sending her a great big slap. SO not OK. Bless you for having way more class than she did.
I loved reading all about your granddaughter's wedding Patti. Sounds as if it was a great 'do' in spite of the pushy photographer.
My my. it doesn't seem more than 2 minutes since you told us Ava June was born Isn't she a doll now? No wonder you found it hard to leave.
Hugs xx
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