Saturday, August 17, 2024


This is for the challenge at Our Midweek Muse  this week

This beach is in Oregon where I lived 2 years ago.

Do I miss it? Yes, I do.


Sim said...

Ooooh, dear Patti, I'm sorry you're feeling homesick. Two years already... I know you've been through a lot but I thought you'd found a better life.
I hope that everything will settle down and that you'll find some really nice people and places close to where you live. I think that as we get older, we lose our ability to adapt and we have the desire to get back to our roots; I notice it this for myself but also for other people close to me.
I hope that this little fairy on this beautiful shore will grant your wishes with a wave of her magic wand and bring you all the comfort you need.
In any case, thank you so much for all the great challenges that you offer us! Thank you Patti!

Deann said...

A beautiful destination, I can understand why you miss it. I just returned from a beach vacation it is so calming. Love your little girl and the beach. I hope you make it back soon.
I'm with Sim thank you for your wonderful challenges.