I wanted to share with all of you this Etsy Shop. The artist is Layla Coats and she has just joined our O.C.E.A.N. Team. She is from Vancouver WA and loves to create bird houses. You just have to to go take a look at her beautiful creations.
They come in different sizes and are all one of a kind. I have never seen such a unique birdhouse.
Welcome Layla and best of luck to you.
What a helpful teammate you are! And this birdhouse is truly unique. Wish I could take a peek inside!
You take care now!
Sorry I haven't been by in a while. My hands were a problem after an incident over the Studio's mouse.
wow!! spectacular!!
i'll definitely go visit!!
thanks for sharing.
Wow..went and peeked. They are absolutely fabulous. A little above my budget, but oh my...LOVE them!!
Wowzers! They are fabulous! Thanks for sharing her work!
I love the rocks in there, and the corks. Excellent!!
Beautiful!! I'll check it out!
Just beautiful!
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