Friday, October 28, 2011

Short Hauntings

House across from Victoria Cemetery

Marshallberg, North Carolina

In this house, the lonely wife of a fisherman began having an affair. Soon, she gave birth to her lover's baby. As she heard her the fisherman approaching, she killed the baby and buried it under the porch. Eventually, the woman went insane because she kept hearing the baby's cries. It is said that if one stands on the porch, the baby's cries may still be heard.

Chester Av.

Bremerton, Washington

This apartment complex was used as a hospital during the early 1900s. Today, there are reports of ghostly nurses and patients wandering the halls.

Morpheus Bridge

Wendell, North Carolina

A family of three was driving along this bridge, when they crashed into the side, being ejected from the car and falling to the murky depths below. As a result of this tragic incident, the woman and child died, leaving only the father. It is said that if one parks his car on the bridge on Halloween, it car will shut off, and the woman will appear, searching for her lost child.

Shine Your Lantern Three Times

Anson, Texas

Local legend says that one December night more than a hundred years ago, a mother sent her son into the woods to retrieve a Christmas tree for the family. Reportedly, the mother told her son to flash his lantern three times if he got into any trouble. When the boy did not return, his mother searched for him until she herself died. Near the woman's burial site, there is a crossroads. It is said that if one parks his car and flashes the headlights three times, a mysterious light will rise and traverse�

Irwin Dr.

Fort Bragg, North Carolina

This residential building, now owned by the government, was once an orphanage. In order to escape alive when a fire struck, the manager of the house abandoned all of the children inside; no children survived the inferno. To this day, sounds of children playing on the stairs, and then screams announcing "Fire! Fire," have been heard.


Art From The heart said...

Ghostly goodies.
Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Oh this is creepy! But I do love the haunted house:)