I have had many inquiries about how to do transfers. My friend Cyndi at Layers Upon Layers gave tips on this procedure along with many other wonderful tips. Click on the link to discover all of her wonderful ideas. She has many teaching techniques online. I find her blog very informative and interesting. She has done some really neat things. I am thrilled that she posted my transfer on her blog! Take a look.
Thanks for sharing this, Patti. And how cool that you were featured on another blog.
Well, Congrats that you have been featured on another great blog!! Your talents are so admired....as so I admire YOU!!
Thank you for sharing (your secret)..lol!!
Thanks for dropping by for a visit! I love your blog with all the little creative treasures and your transfer has that nostalgic appeal that I just adore...fun stuff!
Joni :)
Congratulations! I just popped over to Cyndi's blog and IT is a treasure :) I will definitely be going back there to visit and enjoy as I do yours :)
Patti: That is really great that you were posted! I love your transfer. nita
I am grateful that you allowed me to share your triumph with my readers, Patti!
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